Who We Are
The Hale Center Public Library is located in Hale Center, Texas. The Yoakum County Library provides free services to all residents living within the state of Texas.
The library system holds over 425,615 materials including over 394,000 books, and 28,000 compact discs, cassette tapes and books on cassette. Over 315 CD-ROMS are also now available for check-out.
In total, over 3 million items were checked out of the system during fiscal year 2004-2005! In addition to these items, thousands of people entered the library to utilize print and electronic reference resources, access the Internet through the Library’s fiber-optic connection, enjoy state-of-the-art Wi-fi service, participate in computer and Internet training, view a Library exhibit, or attend one of the Library’s many events.
Our friendly and professional staff is eager to serve you. Welcome to the Public Library!
Our Mission
Morbi mattis gravida libero. Pellentesque dignissim wisi tincidunt justo. Fusce hendrerit erat. Proin in eros congue pede eleifend congue. Nulla lectus. Maecenas id ante ut arcu porttitor scelerisque. Etiam molestie lacus in lorem. Praesent vestibulum ante at pede. Aliquam vestibulum lacus a orci. In lacus orci, dictum eget, ultrices in, commodo nec, velit. Vestibulum orci elit, commodo a, rutrum ac, facilisis et, arcu. Praesent hendrerit purus ac dolor. Fusce sit amet tortor.
Donec vel odio ac quam lacinia gravida. Vivamus eros diam, pulvinar
eleifend, fermentum sit amet, varius venenatis, nisl.
- Nulla facilisi.
- Etiam viverra venenatis justo.
- Maecenas ipsum.
Donec ornare sapien sed mauris. Fusce consectetuer neque eget mi. Nunc est orci, faucibus sed, accumsan a, bibendum in, tellus. Ut et felis. Mauris mauris magna, bibendum nec, sodales at, sollicitudin vitae, leo. Donec neque. Sed a quam. Praesent purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec nec sem et arcu viverra porttitor. Nam in magna ut arcu varius ultricies. Cras at lectus. Integer fermentum. Maecenas vehicula consequat justo.